The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.107)

TZU CHI 107 13 Thank you for the encouragement F orty-five-year-old Chien Soo Teng was diagnosed with hereditary diabetes at the age of 23. Not only were both his legs amputated in 2016, healsohad toundergodialysis treatment.Theburden of the family’s financial obligations inevitably fell squarely onto the shoulders of his wife, Liew Foung Khung, who was then a homemaker. She had to work long hours for a meagre income, but was comforted by the well-behaved and sensible nature of both her sons, who, besides working part-time jobs on weekends, would complete their homework independently and help out with the household chores. They also took upon themselves the responsibility of caring for their father. Foung Khung felt particularly grateful to Tzu Chi volunteers for their continuous encouragement and assistance during the family’s darkest hour. She said, “I admit we were quite a difficult family to deal with.We were at a loss on how to respond whenever the volunteers directed a flurry of questions at us. Nevertheless, the volunteers were very kind and patient, and showed us persistent concern, in the way that only they are capable of.” Motivated by the spirit of altruism, the volunteers, along with a TIMA doctor, would conduct monthly home visits to Soo Teng, as well as, attend to his wounds. They would also constantly remind him of his medical appointments and prescribed medication dosages, in addition to supervising the children’s academic performance. Furthermore, on Soo Teng’s birthday, the volunteers prepared a hearty vegetarian feast and a cake to celebrate the occasion. The family was moved by the volunteers’ sincerity and came to embrace them with open arms. Soo Teng wistfully recalled, “I was naive in my youth. I neglectedmy health and even thought of ending my life. I am grateful to Tzu Chi volunteers for their support in helping me regain my will to move on. Through DaAi TVprogrammes, I realized that there are people who are worse off than I am. Therefore, I am willing to share my story, hoping that everyone will be reminded to pay attention to their health.” Zhi Yen, who is a recipient of Tzu Chi’s “Filial Piety Award”, attends to his father every day after school. The 14-year-old said, “Taking care of my father is my responsibility. I don’t find it difficult, nor would I complain.” The volunteers prepared a 3D paper model of a house and handed it to Zhi Yen to be presented to his parents. As Zhi Yen knelt before his parents with the 3D model in hand, Soo Teng was close to tears, while Foung Khung felt reassured by her son’s filial gesture. The family’s story was greeted with effusive applause from the audience – the warmest form of encouragement and blessing they could ever receive. Photograph by Cheng Chee Mun Ushering in the New Year with Wisdom and Harmony