The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.107)

2019 • 02 10 eature Guatemala – Fuego volcano eruption Hawaii – Kilauea volcano eruption Mexico – Floods in Morelos USA – California forest fires USA – Tornado inVirginia USA – Hurricane Mark 2018 Tzu Chi’s relief efforts Sierra Leone – Long-term relief aid for Ebola survivors and flood victims USA – Hurricane Florence Honduras – Floods Humanitarian aid in 97 countries/regions 228 schools built in 16 countries/regions Houses built for 18,683 households in 15 countries/regions Medical outreaches in 50 countries/regions for over 2.96 million patient visits Over 38,992 body donor sign-ups 561 recycling centres and 10,267 recycling points in 16 countries, with involvement of 106,299 recycling volunteers 5,120 cases of bone marrow & peripheral blood stem cell donation in 31 countries Tzu Chi’s global relief over the years Volunteers’ presence in 57 countries/regions