The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.107)

2019 • 02 08 eature Everyone can do good. Even the children can contribute their love by donating savings from their pocket money. [Photograph by How Siew Heok] and income from handicraft work of Dharma Masters at the Jing Si Abode. For 2018, the theme of the red envelope is based on a passage taken from the Wondrous Lotus Sutra : “Great compassion is the room; gentleness and patience are their (i.e., the Buddha’s disciples) clothing; the emptiness of all phenomena is the seat. Being there, they expound the Dharma.” This passage carries the meaning that every living being has Buddha-nature, and we must connect with the Buddha’s heart by keeping a heart of great compassion at all times. We must pacify strong and unyielding living beings with gentleness and patience, guiding them to do good and cultivate goodness, and to refrain from doing bad. We must also help and guide living beings withaclear andpuremind, givingunconditionally and be grateful for the opportunity to contribute. And, as Buddhists, we must lead by example and live by the Dharma, inspiring everyone to take the Buddha’s teachings to heart and practise them in daily life. The front cover of the red envelope is a design of the Jing Si Abode – the birthplace of the Jing Si Dharma Lineage and spiritual home for Tzu Chi volunteers worldwide. Seventy- five Jing Si Aphorisms had also been selected and randomly printed on the red envelopes, representing Master Cheng Yen’s blessings for each recipient. Inside the red envelope is an image of the Great Enlightened One of the Universe gently caressingPlanetEarth. It symbolizes theBuddha, who has thoroughly awakened to the truths of the universe. Hence, Master Cheng Yen hopes that everyone will emulate the compassion and