The world of Tzu Chi September 2024 (Vol.151)

TZU CHI 151 25 I n 2022, Ee Chan Hong graduated from Sultan Idris Education University. In the following year, he eagerly checked his e-mail daily, anticipating an appointment letter from the Ministry of Education, only to face disappointments. However, he remained persistent. Chan Hong grew up in a modest family. At around 11 years old, his family moved from Kuala Lumpur to Malacca due to his father’s job change, and he was transferred to SJK(C) Bertam Ulu. Initially, he struggled to adapt, which took a toll on his studies and left him feeling isolated. Noticing his struggles, his teachers offered extra tutoring and created opportunities for him to bond with his classmates. The selfless dedication and kindness of his teachers had a profound impact on his life’s path. He shared, “My teachers put in meticulous efforts to teach me. Despite my poor grades, they never gave up on me. Instead, they worked even harder to help me. I was deeply moved and decided that I, too, want to become a teacher so that I could teach and help other children facing similar challenges.” A family in crisis In Form 3, Chan Hong’s family faced an unexpected crisis. His father, Ee King Kiat was diagnosed with kidney problems, necessitating frequent hospital visits and treatments. That, compounded by the resulting financial strain, caused his father to consider giving up treatments. Watchinghisfamily’sprimarybreadwinner and pillar of support on the verge of collapse, his mother always in tears, and his two younger sisters aged ten and six still needing care, Chan Hong felt lost and helpless. Fortunately, many kind-hearted individuals stepped in to offer support. Friends and neighbours visited his father in the hospital, while an aunt helped cover part of the school expenses for him and his sisters. His father’s colleagues pooled funds to assist the family, and his teachers rallied his classmates to do the same, and applied for government food aid for him and his sisters. In addition, the family would sometimes find vegetables and fish from unknown kind souls at their doorsteps. The