The world of Tzu Chi September 2024 (Vol.151)

16 our lives. It also showed me that we should learn to be more perseverant, as our struggles are often trivial by comparison. I am incredibly grateful to have joined this volunteering trip. Even though we intended to share knowledge, the children have, instead, taught us more about life. I hope all the children are well and healthy. A well-worth journey By Teoh Wei Xin T he Sandakan trip was an eye-opening experience, where I learned much more about the plight of stateless individuals. It broke my heart to see their unimaginable struggles and to learn that the children had to eat expired food scavenged from landfills, risking illness. It made me realise that we should be more grateful for our blessings. Participating in the medical outreach programme, on the other hand, gave me a strong sense of fulfilment, knowing that I was directly helping to improve the lives of stateless individuals. While serving at the registration counter, I had the opportunity to interact with the villagers and hear their stories first-hand. There, I witnessed touching scenes, such as selfless parents bringing all their children to see the doctor but not seeking medical care for themselves. I could tell that despite their hardships, these parents are trying their best to provide a good life for their children. Another touching sight was seeing some patients donating to the bamboo bank; they were willing to give their very limited money to those in even greater need. Sharing knowledge about environmental protection with students at the ALC was another rewarding aspect of the trip. The weeks of preparation for our presentation made me realise how demanding teaching can be. I was drained after the first session, but the children’s smiles and laughter made every effort worthwhile. The home visit after the lesson at the ALC was enlightening. Despite their difficult lives, the villagers seemed content, reminding me that excessive desires can kill happiness and that we should cherish the little things in 2024 • 09