The world of Tzu Chi June 2024 (Vol.150)

2024 • 06 06 T his year, Tzu Chi KL & Selangor hosted a heartwarming Eid al-Fitr celebration for 36 Muslim care recipient families (totalling 148 people) on April 20, at the KL Tzu-Chi Jing Si Hall. Greeted by volunteers’ warm smiles, the care recipients stepped into a vibrant venue decorated with festive elements. A mini traditional Malay stilt house alongside pelita raya and buluh lemang created a perfect setting for family portraits. The care recipients got to leave aside the heavy burdens of life and immerse themselves in an array of meticulously planned performances, including a choir, dance, and skit. Particularly captivating was the joint performance by refugee children from the Tzu-Chi Alternative Learning Centres and the choir formed by the Tzu Chi Entrepreneurs’ Group. Their rendition of Malay songs created a lively atmosphere that celebrated Malaysia’s cultural diversity. The skit, “Fifty Cents Can Save Lives”, vividly delivered in Malay, illustrated the humble beginnings of Tzu Chi, demonstrating how small contributions can collectively make a significant impact. We speak the same language of love Tzu Chi firmly believes that love can transcend all boundaries. Dr. Zazali Mohd Yatim, a member of Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA), shared his journey with Tzu Chi, which began after witnessing their humanitarian efforts in the aftermath of the 2014 East Coast flood. Through his participation in various Tzu Chi’s medical outreaches and charitable activities locally and abroad, he witnessed Tzu Chi’s humanitarian spirit that transcends borders, races, and religions. Hence, when someone curiously asked why he joined Tzu Chi, he would always confidently reply, “Why not?” He highlighted a shared principle of humanity through an Islamic teaching: “The best of humans are those who are most beneficial to others.” Special guests from the public and private sectors joined in to celebrate the occasion. [Photo by Lim Joo Leang]