The world of Tzu Chi June 2024 (Vol.150)

31 TZU CHI 150 (Source: Taiwan Tzu Chi Monthly , Issue 690) 8 : 43 Received notification t h a t e v a c u a t i o n centres would be established. By 11:55 AM, hot meals were delivered; by 12:21 PM, folding beds, privacy cubicles, and blankets were sent and set up. In the afternoon, Tzu Chi University community joined to serve; in the evening, Jing Si Abode Masters extended care and blessing packages to the displaced. • Emergency cash: 1,479 households • Consolation cash: 46 individuals • Blessing packages: 1,725 packs • Hot meals: 6,256 servings • Drinking water: 120 cases • Folding beds provided: 560 occasions • Privacy cubicles provided: 120 occasions • Blankets: 424 units • House repairs completed: 168 units • Volunteer shifts: 6,318 shifts • Global fundraising: 46 countries and regions 10 : 00 A disaster response c e n t r e wa s s e t up at Xindian Jing Si Hall, offering care to 12 evacuated households with damaged homes. In response to the Tucheng District Office’s request, volunteers delivered folding beds and blankets to an evacuation centre at night, and provided hot meals for those on night shifts. Total assistance provided (as at May 22, 2024): 11 : 00 Consolation cash was distributed to injured survivors at Hualien Armed Forces General Hospital. A list of about 446 affected households was obtained, and the first emergency cash distribution was held the f o l l ow i n g mo r n i n g . De s p i t e personal losses, Tzu Chi teams had prioritised relief efforts, delivering 468 blessing packages and caring for 284 households in a single day.