The world of Tzu Chi June 2024 (Vol.150)

2024 • 06 28 ocal News KL & Selangor I 28.04.2024 By Sia Ah Tong Compiled by the Editorial Team Photo by Chan Tuck Meng F ifty-eight years ago, a call resonated through markets in Taiwan: “With just 50 cents, you can save lives!” This humble beginning, known as the Bamboo Bank Era, has later grown into Tzu Chi’s global charitable mission. While saving 50 cents a day may seem minimal, the power of consistent small acts, driven by a good heart, can accumulate over time into a formidable force. By encouraging others to join in, we can amplify this strength, turning small streams of love into a steady, powerful current. The Loving Store campaign, initiated by Tzu Chi staff in Hualien, Taiwan, and launched on April 3, 2019, embodies the spirit of Tzu Chi’s bamboo banks. It invites businesses to participate by either placing a coin bank in their stores to collect donations, or donating a portion of their monthly revenue for charitable causes. This initiative not only fosters love within the community, but also carries a profound significance. Master Cheng Yen explained that by agreeing to place a coin bank in their stores, these Loving Stores provide customers with an opportunity to contribute and sow blessings. Whether it is one dollar or five dollars, when everyone unites in this act of love, they Loving Stores, Caring Community