The world of Tzu Chi June 2024 (Vol.150)

2024 • 06 24 Staying steadfast Releasing worries Changing for the better By Chin Sheau Yuan Photo by Lee Wei Kean By Chong Shea Tieng Photo by Tan See Can By Tang Choon Chow Photo by Tan See Can A t 83, volunteer Chow See Moy has never missed a bowing pilgrimage in more than 30 years with Tzu Chi. She initially hesitated this year, considering her declining endurance. However, in the end, she participated joyfully, praying sincerely for a harmonious society and a world free of disasters. “The frequency of global disasters is heart-wrenching, and though my power is limited, I hope our collective prayers can help alleviate them.” L ee Sze Keng participated in a bowing pilgrimage for the first time. Through the 108 prostrations, he experienced liberation from his accumulated negativity. “Life is filled with distractions and discontentment. But the moment my hands touched the ground, I felt a release, realising the importance of being contented and grateful. I enjoyed the process of releasing my worries and stress into the earth through each prostration.” C urious about the actual impact of a bowing pilgrimage, Tzu Chi KL & Selangor’s news reporter Liew Jing Yin participated to gain a first-hand experience. She was overwhelmed with contrition seeing her ageing mother’s unsteady movements during the pilgrimage. “My mum gave birth to me and raised me. How could I vent my personal frustrations on her?” Upon returning home, Jing Yin apologised and expressed her love for her mother. She also makes it a point to embrace her mother every day before she leaves home for work.