The world of Tzu Chi June 2024 (Vol.150)

TZU CHI 150 23 in total. Amidst the chanting of Buddha’s name, the participants, ranging from young children to the elderly, advanced in solemn processions from the sides and front of Jing Si Hall, before converging near the main bronze door entrance. Everyone paced forward with palms pressed together, embracing the opportunity to connect deeply with the Earth and their inner selves as they prostrated reverently. A special zone was also arranged for those with physical limitations, allowing them to participate by just bowing or remaining seated with hands folded in reverence. Despite sweat pouring down their faces, and dust and gravel sticking to their elbows and foreheads, the participants soldiered on with determination. Their spirit resonated with the Master’s explanation that the essence of the pilgrimage lies in the unwavering faith and the pursuit of enlightenment, a journey called the Bodhisattva Path, which ultimately leads to everyone returning to their pure intrinsic Buddha-nature within them. In addition to the bowing pilgrimage, participants were offered a guided tour of the Jing Si Hall, which extended their spiritual experience through the stories of Tzu Chi, allowing them to feel the joy of selfless giving and inspiring them to collectively serve humanity.