The world of Tzu Chi June 2024 (Vol.150)

2024 • 06 14 What more can I do? The volunteers’help did not stop there.With the compassionate thought that young Aidah should not remain in bed forever, volunteer Lim Swee Chen pondered on what more she could do. She then remembered her former student, Chiah Wen, who is a physiotherapist and fellow Tzu Chi volunteer. Upon receiving her phone call, Chiah Wen promptly entered Aidah’s life. Committing to a thrice-weekly sessions of two hours each, Chiah Wen provided intensive physical therapy to Aidah, who had been bedridden for eight months. The physiotherapy sessions not only treated the physical body, but also brought emotional healing and hope. With everyone’s unwavering dedication, Aidah’s condition began to improve. From lying in bed to sitting up, and then to briefly standing, each step marked progress. Nevertheless, there were limitations to home-based therapy without advanced equipment. Thus, Chiah Wen recommended that Aidah receive more comprehensive treatment at a physical therapy centre. Heeding her advice, volunteers helped Nor Rohimah explore various therapy options to make informed decisions. Their perseverance paid off when the Zakat Board approved financial assistance for Aidah’s treatment at iRehab Centre. From late October 2023, months of intensive therapy brought significant improvements: Aidah could speak slowly, stand, and even mustered her strength to sit up with some assistance. Beneath compassionate wings Overwhelmedwith gratitude, Nor Rohimah said, “You (volunteers) not only provided us Aidah attempting to draw with her left hand, rekindling her love for art and life.