The world of Tzu Chi December 2023 (Vol.148)

TZU CHI 148 07 Volunteers loading a donated mattress onto the truck for delivery to Padliza's home. A home without a bed By Tan Chun Keong Photo by Lee Eng Foo If you could make one wish, what would it be? “B e careful! The mattress is heavy…” a caring voice echoed, as a few Tzu Chi volunteers carefully ascended the stairs to the third floor, accompanied by the excited footsteps of children. The kids’ mother, Padliza bt Ab Fatah, was recently forced to end her marriage and leave the home they had shared for nearly a decade. She started a new life with her three children in a nearby flat. “We have been living here for almost four months now. We are adapting. Our neighbours are friendly,” Padliza spoke with an air of indifference, though facing the volunteers was a house that was almost bare. Upon further inquiry from the caring volunteers, it was discovered that the family had been sleeping on the living room carpet every night. When the volunteers delivered a second- hand mattress, a table and chairs, Padliza choked up, saying, “I don’t know how to express my gratitude. These may mean nothing to others, but they mean a lot to me. Thank you so much Tzu Chi and everyone.” That day, the children were so happy that they stayed up all night, eager to arrange their books on the new table. Padliza was relieved, witnessing the love her son had for the table and that he no longer had to do homework on the floor. Padliza vowed to fulfil a wish when her financial situation turns better in the future: “Others are helping me now. I wish to help others like the volunteers one day.”