The world of Tzu Chi December 2023 (Vol.148)

2023 • 12 06 5-year-old had 500 degrees of farsightedness! With the volunteers’ help, Adam received a complimentary pair of glasses sponsored by the generous business owner, which improved his vision. Upon discovering that a family had relocated to an unfurnished rented flat near their children’s school to save on transportation costs, volunteers arranged for the delivery of a second-hand sofa so that they no longer have to sit on the cold floor. Learning that Madam Yang, who lives with her younger brother, suffered from severe pain in her spine and other parts of the body, hindering mobility and making daily activities like bathing a significant challenge, volunteers swiftly organised assistance for her hygiene, including a bath and a haircut. Such small acts of kindness during the three-month duration of K1K3.0 have brought warmth to the hearts of many beneficiary families. When they needed help but were powerless, volunteers not only heard and saw their needs, but also proactively reached out to provide assistance. In September, the K1K3.0 relief programme was initially scheduled to conclude after the third disbursement. However, after evaluation, Tzu Chi decided to extend assistance to 766 beneficiary households for an additional three months until December. In addition, recognising that many disadvantaged families struggled to afford daily meals, let alone pay attention to nutritional value, Tzu Chi took an extra step by providing monthly distributions of fruits and vegetables, along with a RM100 voucher for daily necessities to safeguard their health. Watching the volunteers deliver a large box of fresh vegetables and fruits to each household, the recipients were happy and grateful. Though over 1,400 days have passed since the onset of COVID-19, Tzu Chi’s Great Love persists. While tangible relief supplies will eventually be depleted, the care and warmth bestowed upon the beneficiaries will remain, accompanying them through the times in need and become seeds of kindness, which one day may bloom when the time comes, to help others around them. Observing that some beneficiary families were living in unclean and cluttered conditions due to various reasons, volunteers mobilised assistance to clean and provide guidance, encouraging them to prioritise hygiene and health. [Photo by Look Foot Seong] Number of K1K Beneficiaries K1K1.0 (Year 2020) 2,178 households K1K2.0 (Year 2021-2022) 1,995 households K1K3.0 (Year 2023) 1,488 households