The world of Tzu Chi December 2023 (Vol.148)

05 TZU CHI 148 programmes launched during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, respectively, to assist families severely impacted by the economic challenges, Tzu Chi KL & Selangor launched the K1K3.0 this year to offer the most practical support to needy families. In addition to visiting schools to obtain lists of students’ families in need, Tzu Chi volunteers set up service points across various locations in the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor regions to promote the programme and assist low-income households in the application process. Following that, Tzu Chi mobilised over 2,000 volunteers to conduct home visits to approximately 2,300 applicants, resulting in approvals for assistance for circa 1,500 households. Beginning July, every beneficiary household received cash assistance ranging from RM300 to RM500 for three consecutive months. While this amount may not be life- changing for an average family, it represents a powerful source of support and hope for families facing hardship. Little actions make a big impact Charitable relief extends beyond mere financial assistance. During the monthly visits and aid distributions, volunteers observed, listened and cared, hoping to provide customised assistance to the needs of the recipients. Noticing that Adam often squinted, volunteers brought him to an optometrist for a vision check, only to discover that the Upon identifying the needs of a K1K beneficiary, volunteers delivered a second-hand refrigerator to the family.