The world of Tzu Chi December 2023 (Vol.148)

TZU CHI 148 01 z z By Dharma Master Cheng Yen Translated by Teresa Chang I am grateful to everyone, past and present, who has contributed their love over the years. I see more and more people giving without seeking recognition. They may expect nothing in return, but surely, all the spiritual merits they deserve will be theirs. A life lived to the full embodies true worth. For a while now, I have been encouraging everyone to examine and take stock of their lives. When I reflect on my own, I feel how rewarding it has been. I am surrounded by good-hearted people every day. Everything I see, hear, and come into contact with in Tzu Chi is rooted in love. I walk the same path with and am supported by many real-life bodhisattvas who share my mission. They selflessly give without expecting anything in return, elevating their acts of kindness beyond the ordinary. Helping the needy is not restricted to the wealthy. Anyone who is willing to contribute can make a meaningful difference. In fact, I have found that seeking donations from wealthier individuals can sometimes be more challenging than from those with limited means. The wealthy may feel uncomfortable giving too little yet find it hard to part with a large sum. In contrast, individuals accustomed to financial constraints willingly save what little they have to contribute to charitable causes, despite the effort it might require of them. There is, for example, a couple who runs a stall making and selling pan- fried stuffed buns. Their profits are small, but they consistently set aside money to support Tzu Chi’s missions, a practice they continue even in their old age. There was also a dedicated volunteer who wished to help Tzu Chi build a hospital in Hualien, eastern Taiwan. She was of limited means, so she worked hard to make money, selling fruits during the day and getting up at 1 a.m. to sweep a bridge. Similarly, another volunteer who was already working as a domestic help for several households sought additional work in order to donate more to Tzu Chi. Witnessing the kindness and dedication of these individuals, it is impossible not to be deeply moved. Many people scrimp and save to fulfil the dream of owning a home, but there are those who prioritise charitable giving. I remember that when we were building Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, a couple in Banqiao, northern Taiwan, aster's Teaching Bodhisattvas Among Us