The world of Tzu Chi December 2023 (Vol.148)

TZU CHI 148 25 stories about the Buddha’s life, from birth to Enlightenment and Nirvana. The photos showcasing Tzu Chi’s humanitarian efforts exemplified how Buddha’s teachings have been translated into action. Watching a series of posters on Tzu Chi’s charity, medical, and educational activities in Lumbini, Nepal, and listening to volunteers sharing about Tzu Chi’s mission to alleviate the suffering of the people in the Buddha’s birthplace through practical assistance and the Dharma, Ker Ping Boon was deeply moved. The radiant smiles of the adults and children who received help made him realise the importance of compassionate love and good deeds. Ping Boon, 39, suffered from muscular weakness 26 years ago. When his entire body became stiff, leaving only his wrists and a few fingers mobile, he felt depressed, and even contemplated suicide. At the age of 30, he encountered Buddhism. He gained insights into the law of karma and found solace in the Buddhist teachings. After visiting the exhibition, he remarked, “This is a very different exhibition. Today, I have a clearer understanding of the Buddha’s life and the meaning of ‘Buddhism in the human world’.” On that day, Ping Boon also drew a Jing Si Wisdom stick. Reading the corresponding aphorism, he exclaimed, “This is so accurate! It speaks of my heart!” He felt the aphorism, “Don’t focus on what is lacking; think about what you have to feel happiness,” resonated with his current state of mind. In the past, he used to feel a lack of many things, but now, he has learned to shift his perspective to appreciate what he possesses. “People now need Buddhism. It can transform our minds, help us eradicate bad habits, and enlighten us on how to be a good person. It is crucial to embody Buddhism in the human world.” True deliverance True deliverance is protecting life. In conjunction with the auspicious lunar month event, Tzu Chi collaborated with iVege Market to organise a plant-based market, allowing attendees to exercise true deliverance by extending their compassion to all sentient beings. Navigating through the 80 stalls, attendee Thong Ai Kei witnessed how the pop-up market, which encouraged attendees to bring their own utensils and reusable bags, was different from other markets she had visited. She did not find it troublesome at all, saying, “By so doing, we can reduce the consumption of plastics. We must care for the Earth. Everyone can play a part in environmental conservation.” Attendee Tan Fooi Hwah and her daughter, who dropped by the market just to buy drinks to quench their thirst, were attracted by the variety of vegetarian options upon entering the market. She could not resist making multiple purchases. She said, “Many young people nowadays are meat eaters and are resistant to vegetarian food, thinking it is not tasty. But today’s market opened their eyes, showing that vegetarian food can be delicious too!” She hoped that more people will develop a liking for vegetarian food, reduce harming lives, and accumulate more blessings. Through the various activities, the auspicious lunar month event guided everyone towards developing and practising the right faith. We should always liberate our minds from unwholesome thoughts and extend our compassion to all suffering beings in the world. Watch the related videos: