The world of Tzu Chi December 2023 (Vol.148)

TZU CHI 148 21 Attendees also had the opportunity to explore the pre-loved goods corner, where they could select suitable clothing and items, visit the “Disease Prevention Combat Camp” science exhibition, or participate in activities such as getting henna done. Life on a roller coaster For Karrnanithi, this day was filled with gratitude and emotions. Arriving at the venue, he and his family were surprised to find vibrant kolam patterns and family portrait backdrops infused with Indian touches. Seated in the Sutra Hall, he not only participated but also stood on stage, baring his soul to hundreds of compatriots: “Divine guidance led me to know Tzu Chi. The love of Tzu Chi swept away the darkness in my heart. With Tzu Chi volunteers by our side, giving us strength, my family and I found the courage to soldier on…” In his younger days, Karrnanithi, too, had dreams. After completing secondary school, he worked as a lorry driver, and at the same time, acquired skills in wiring, plumbing, and electrical appliance repair from friends. Later, he started a family and led a decent life as a handyman with two children. However, year 2020 brought an unexpected turn for him. The COVID-19 pandemic stripped him of his income, pushing him to scavenge and sell recyclables for survival. At the end of last year, he sustained a toe injury while scavenging. His diabetic condition resulted in the wound which did not heal and, ultimately, the doctor declared the necessity of amputation. Fate took a kind turn when Karrnanithi discovered a diabetes treatment clinic through a friend, where the doctor recommended removing the festering toe instead. Despite this relief, Karrnanithi required ongoing treatment, and the monthly cost of RM2,000 was beyond his means. He was plunged into despair once again. Hope resurfaced when his wife, Manimagalai a/p Ayyasamy, learned about Tzu Chi and applied for aid. Tzu Chi volunteers, through home visits and assessments, confirmed the family’s need for financial support. The volunteers even dipped into their own pockets to provide immediate food relief for the family in their dire condition. Karrnanithi was deeply grateful. He revealed that his friends and relatives distanced themselves after he fell ill, and he had tried to make a living through recycling, but could only afford a few pieces of roti canai with the proceeds. With the arrival of Tzu Chi volunteers, hope and love permeated the family’s lives. Karrnanithi’s children were enrolled in Tzu Chi’s online tuition classes, equipped with a laptop from Tzu Chi. When Karrnanithi’s wound deteriorated due to excessive walking, volunteers took him to the Tzu-Chi Free Clinic. Karrnanithi was surprised that the medical treatment was free. Deeply moved by Tzu Chi’s missions, he decided to contribute to the cause. He took his family to participate in cleaning tasks at the Jing Si Hall and helped repair discarded electrical appliances at the recycling centre. Noticing dim lights at the recycling centre, he voluntarily checked the wiring and replaced the light tubes. Karrnanithi never expected that while receiving help from Tzu Chi, he could at the same time lend a helping hand to others. He hoped that fellow care recipients would find meaning in life despite hardships, echoing the transformative journey that Tzu Chi had ignited within him.