The world of Tzu Chi December 2023 (Vol.148)

18 but also invited 45 donors to come along. Zubaira came to Malaysia with her mother to escape the war in her home country. Without legal status, she could only work as a part-time cleaner here despite her high qualifications. After losing her job in the pandemic in 2020, Zubaira sought help fromTzuChi, who rejected her application after a home visit assessment. Volunteer Kiing Teck Ngie explained, “You are not short of food. Tzu Chi’s funds do not come easy and should only be used to help those in real need.” Before leaving, the volunteers gave Zubaira two copies of Tzu Chi monthly magazine with real-life stories of Tzu Chi helping others. Zubaira was deeply moved after reading a piece about an Indonesian lady. She contacted Teck Ngie, “I am willing to donate. Even if it is just RM1, can I join?” That day, Zubaira was very happy; it marked the first day of her joining Tzu Chi. Since then, Zubaira started listening to Master Cheng Yen’s teachings on YouTube daily, while also promoting recycling and raising charity funds in the village. When she came across families in need of help, she would report them to Tzu Chi. Thanks to her kindness and prompt notice, Rohaini, who had a life-threatening delivery at home, and her newborn were saved. Nasir, who had a severe foot infection, also received timely medical assistance from Tzu Chi. Thanks to Zubaira, the backbone of the family did not collapse. Zubaira not only cares, she also plants seeds of kindness in the hearts of others. She shared with a smile, “Before this, my house was tattered and I was barely making ends meet. Amazingly, since I became a volunteer, opportunities have come knocking on my door. Now I have the financial means to repair the house. Life is getting better.” Zubaira believes that it is the good deeds that The training session on recycling ended on a high note. Kiing Teck Ngie (front row, 7th from right) encouraged, “You are the farmers who plant seeds of recycling. Let’s widely promote the concept of environmental protection!” [Photo by Kong Siew Yen]