The world of Tzu Chi December 2023 (Vol.148)

2023 • 12 10 A better person By Ho Sook Yin Translated by Lee You Zhuan Photo by Leong Chian Yee “As soon as I stepped through the doors of the applicants’ homes, I recalled my own past when I sought assistance. I was profoundly moved.” – Tzu Chi Volunteer Liew Foong Yee O n March 8, 2020, the Malaysian government implemented a movement control order in an attempt to halt the transmission of COVID-19. The entire nation endured a prolonged and challenging period, fighting the pandemic. During those trying days, Tzu Chi volunteers visited Liew Foong Yee’s home, providing assistance and alleviating her hardship. Three years later, in March 2023, Foong Yee’s life took a significant turning point. With the dedicated companionship and guidance of the volunteers, she officially became a Tzu Chi volunteer, shaping a better version of herself. Recollecting the first home visit by volunteer Yong Yoke Peng and team in 2021, Foong Yee, who used to run a business, admitted feeling uneasy at that time. However, she mustered the courage to apply for Tzu Chi’s Food Care programme as her finances were severely impacted by the economic fallout of the pandemic. Later, she also became a beneficiary of the K1K2.0 relief programme. She shared, “Back then, the company had to halt its operation, yet there were many expenses to cover. There were also disagreements among family members, resulting in strained relationships. Life hit rock bottom without a sight of hope.” While providing financial relief, volunteers also encouraged Foong Yee to participate in Tzu Chi activities, hoping that she could find joy through giving. Initially unfamiliar with Tzu Chi, Foong Yee was moved by Yoke Peng’s efforts in making arrangements for her to participate in activities and decided to engage in the activities. She said, “After the pandemic eased, I took my two children to participate in recycling activities, played a role in the community charity sale