The world of Tzu Chi December 2023 (Vol.148)

TZU CHI 148 09 Upon learning of her plight, her cousin Wazwati bt Zainuddin, took her home to care for her, despite being a single mother facing financial constraints herself, with three children and health issues. Wazwati works as a delivery woman. As she is visually-impaired in her right eye, Zezawati would tag along whenever she goes out to deliver parcels, guiding the way for her. Zezawati was full of gratitude for her cousin. “Since the beginning of my turmoil, my cousin has been by my side, never leaving. She is like an angel. Despite her own health challenges, her mental resolve is strong, and I deeply admire that.” In May, during Wazwati’s visit to a government health clinic, she encountered volunteers promoting the K1K3.0 relief programme. Her first thought was not for herself, but to submit an application on behalf of Zezawati. Her kindness and selfless love was touching indeed. Charitable acts enrich the heart During each follow-up visit to the clinic, volunteers would seize the opportunity to share with the two cousins about environmental protection and the benefits of vegetarianism. Volunteer Shiau Ling Mei also took them to a Tzu Chi recycling centre to expose them to recyclable classification and encourage them to practise recycling at home. Concerned about the physical suffering they endured from illnesses, Siew Yen always patiently advised them, saying, “With hypertension and diabetes, you have to pay more attention to your diet, consume less meat and more vegetables…,” while also analysing the pros and cons of a meat-based diet versus a plant-based one. On one occasion, Zezawati mentioned that individuals with kidney failure should avoid consuming vegetables. In response, Siew Yen searched the internet and forwarded her some plant-based recipes suitable for kidney patients. Seeing that, Zezawati burst into laughter. As it turned out, she was aware of what vegetables and fruits she could eat; she simply did not enjoy them. Deeply moved by the volunteers’ sincere care, Zezawati expressed with a happy smile, “I will listen to what you say!” When Wazwati was about to undergo surgery, Siew Yen voluntarily offered to buy meals for Zezawati. Her kindness moved Zezawati to tears, and she exclaimed, “What kind of heart do you have? You are so kind to me, and I don’t know how I can repay you!” Siew Yen responded, “When your foot heals, if you could devote yourself to helping those in need personally, that would be the best repayment!” Clasping her hands, Zezawati spoke with determination, “ Insya-Allah (God willing), that is a sure thing! I am willing!” With a kind thought, myriad obstacles can be overcome. Crossing the valley of life, Zezawati’s heart is filled with spiritual wealth and peace. After visiting the recycling centre accompanied by volunteer Shiau Ling Mei (right), Zezawati (middle) and Wazwati (left) joyfully promised to participate in recycling to save the Earth. [Photo courtesy of Chan Tan Kiam]