The world of Tzu Chi Nov-Dec 2021 (Vol.138)
2021 • 12 38 to encourage them to do recycling, which they started doing at home a year later. Other than participating in “get- together” sessions and recycling activities, they also started to attend volunteer training at Tzu Chi, Malacca. “We did not have Tzu Chi uniforms, so we wore white shirts and black pants to training. Those who were wearing Tzu Chi uniforms were seated in front, and we sat at the back,” LimWhey reminisced. After attending a few training sessions, Lim Whey checked with volunteer Tan Lay Choo if they could get their uniforms. “Sister Lay Choo said that we could get our uniforms since we had been doing recycling and had attended many training sessions. I remember our uniforms were light held in Klang, and the couple never failed to show up despite the long drive. However, they were not familiar with Tzu Chi at that time, so the sharing did not have any impact. “We were never exposed to Tzu Chi those days, so I could not understand what they were sharing about,” Kon Loy said bashfully. In 1998, the Nipah virus broke out in Bukit Pelanduk, Negeri Sembilan. Tzu Chi volunteers were mobilized to help pig farmers and the couple went along. That was their first experience of what care visits and charity were about. The magnitude of the volunteers’ compassion and care was a pivotal shift in the couple’s understanding of doing good and serving the community. It left a deep imprint in their hearts which later set their milestones with Tzu Chi. Kim Seng took the opportunity Kon Loy (middle of the back row) and Lim Whey (3rd right of the back row) share a close bond with Tzu Ching students. The graduate students lend them their graduation robes to let them experience what it feels like to be graduates. [Photo courtesy of Yap Kon Loy] eople
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