The world of Tzu Chi June 2021 (Vol.135)

TZU CHI 135 21 The refugees fled their country in order to survive. They did not mean to come here to beg, but to find a living through hard work. What we could do is just to give them a chance to survive.” He cited the Cox’s Bazar refugee camp in Bangladesh, which houses almost a million refugees—the highest in the world— from Myanmar. Malaysia is relatively more appealing to the fleeing Myanmar people, just like Europe is to Libyan refugees. Sadly, the journey to survival is too long and far, and many of them have died at sea. “Refugees are emerging everywhere in About MyCare MyCARE, an affiliation of Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia, coordinates and provides international humanitarian aid. Formerly known as Aqsa Syari, it was set up in 2010 to help Palestinian refugees. In 2014, after the civil war in Syria, the organization saw the need to expand its scope, and streamline the various arms of their humanitarian work. This will facilitate a more efficient sharing of potential capability, resources and expertise. Currently, MyCARE has six humanitarian agencies, namely, Aqsa Syarif, i4Syria, Rose2Rose, NICE, PACE and Salam Iraq. The Board of Trustees of MyCARE comprises experts from different fields, including doctors, academicians and engineers. Despite its affiliation with the Muslim community, MyCARE has made it clear that help is given to all needy refugees, regardless of religion and race. The NGO provides specific help to refugees of different age groups. One important area is the focus on education for children of the refugees. In order to alleviate systemic poverty and help manage social problems, MyCARE sees it necessary to provide refugees with a means to earn a living. Its proactive effort in initiating collaboration with industries has helped many acquire skills to get jobs and earn a stable income. the world. It is a global problem that has no solution in sight. “Greed is central to the problem. The struggle for power and interest has created all kinds of problem. If only all nations could live by the teachings of religions, and upkeep the principle of peaceful co-existence, then there could be peace in the world,” the compassionate CEO said, with hands clasped in hope. Despite the bleak situation, NGOs continue to make great strides in extending to refugees a beacon of hope, however flickering or dim it may be. I Was Told to Run, and to Run Quickly