The world of Tzu Chi April 2021 (Vol.133)

TZU CHI 133 19 While the volunteers give their love to help others, their own safety must not be compromised. Therefore, senior volunteers and social workers always exchange their experiences with each other during training and sharing sessions, or even during casual conversations, so that the home visits can be conducted safely and smoothly. Safety first Proper arrangement for home visits From time to time, Tzu Chi receives reports about families running out of food or requiring immediate assistance. At such time, the volunteers need to first understand the situation, including the location, visiting time and manpower need. If the request comes late in the evening and the family concerned lives in a remote area, the volunteers will first assess whether the food they have can last until the next morning, and ask if it will be alright if they visit at say, 8 o’clock the next morning. This is so that the family concerned is rest assured that Tzu Chi has received their request for help and made immediate arrangements, while ensuring the safety of both parties. Have faith in human kindness After dealing with numerous cases, the volunteers and staff will naturally ask for more supporting information for assessment purposes. At such time, they have to constantly remind themselves to be objective and trustful. If the person concerned is unwilling to open up, they will understand that he/she has reservations and will communicate to find out the actual situation and provide the right help. They will also explain that Tzu Chi’s funds come from the donations of the general public. This will help the recipient appreciate the assistance. Once, a care recipient did not inform the volunteers that he actually received assistance from other sources. Instead of blaming him, the volunteers tried to understand his situation and figure out why he kept it from them, what was his mental state, and whether they had met his actual need. Peace of mind for family Master Cheng Yen always teaches her disciples to ensure that their families are taken care of before they devote themselves to voluntary services. Therefore, volunteers always try to conduct initial home visits during the day and ensure that they are in good health. They will also go in trios when they want to understand more about the family concerned. Helping others requires planning. It is important for volunteers to take care of their own safety so that their families can have a peace of mind when they commit themselves to voluntary work. The ‘Big Dipper’ – Social Workers