The world of Tzu Chi February 2021(Vol.131)
2021 • 02 24 pecial Feature On December 13, 1989, Kao Hsin-chiang (fourth from right) and Gary Ho (first from right) accompanied writer Liu Binyan (third from left) on a visit to Master Cheng Yen at the Jing Si Abode. [Photograph courtesy of Tzu Chi Taiwan] bank. Fortunately, he stumbled upon the Jing Si Aphorisms and reined himself in just in time. He was ashamed and repentant.” The Master was greatly comforted by the letter, which had no return address. “This is an incredibly good fate, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable. I deeply wish this unknown young man a bright future!” There are countless other examples of how Jing Si Aphorisms has helped and “saved” people. Over the years, it has been translated into 18 languages—English, French, German, Korean, Japanese, traditional Chinese, simplifiedChinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Vietnamese, Thai, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, Italian, Malay, Tamil, and Filipino— and has sold over seven million copies. Gems of wisdom are within the pages of the book and waiting for you to discover.
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