The world of Tzu Chi December 2020(Vol.129)
expenses.” He added that Tanjung Sepat has many piggeries. “Actually, livestock farming is not good for the environment. If more people become vegetarians, we don’t have to raise as many livestock.” Boon Kaw’s spending pattern has also changed with his involvement in recycling work. He will only buy something after thinking about it thoroughly and will try his best to recycle items that can no longer be used. His greatest realization in Tzu Chi is to “let go”. Hence, he signed up for the Silent Mentor programme, in which one donates one’s body after death for medical research purposes. He mused, “Our bodies are worthless after our death anyway; they rot or are cremated. Why not make good use of our bodies for the last time?” Boon Kaw’s family did not object to his decision. His wife expressed her willingness to donate her organs, while their five children also intend to become body donors like their father. “It’s not a difficult decision. There is nothing but a body left after death. So, we give whatever we can give. This is a good thing.” No one will live forever. Regardless of the years we have on earth, the most important thing is to make good use of the limited time we have and live out the value of life. Boon Kaw and Kim Sang have demonstrated how we can wisely exercise our privilege to use this life and make what are of no use into that of great use. A life worthwhile The Master said that since we have chosen the path of spiritual practice, we must eradicate our unwholesome habitual tendencies and longing for fame and wealth. “We should lead a simple life and must not be afraid of hardship. This keeps our minds from various worries. So, we must ‘let go’, freeing our minds from confusions, distractive thoughts and attachments. If we could keep our six senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and mind) from being tempted, naturally our worries and afflictions will be eradicated.” Back in 2008, the global financial crisis impacted the lives of many people. The rise in unemployment rates and decrease in incomes had caused mental stress and worries. Looking at the situation, the Master believed that it was, in fact, a crisis of the mind brought 2020 • 12 30 eature
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