The world of Tzu Chi June 2020 (Vol.123)

TZU CHI 123 13 novel RNA virus has a genetic structure that mutates easily, potentially causing serious illnesses or high mortality rates. It is also transmissible among humans. The SARS outbreak that once unsettled Taiwan took the form of a never-seen-before, highly infectious virus strain.” After the first confirmed Covid-19 cases were detected in Taiwan, the head of Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center, Chen Shih-chung held daily press conferences to communicate analyses of confirmed infections and convey the precautionary steps to be taken. The accuracy of the information provided and the transparency of the approach alleviated public anxiety. Taiwan was especially cautious of the novel coronavirus due to the island’s frequent exchanges with Mainland China, taking swift action to prohibit interactions with people from the mainland. Epidemic prevention is most effective when precautionary measures are implemented at the earliest opportunity. Taiwan’s strategic geographical position as an island also enabled a safe distance from the mainland, thus stemming infections. Moreover, Taiwan benefitted from the advantage of its advanced healthcare system and technological infrastructure. Strict testing and diversion measures at the border helped to defend against the risk of imported infections. Not to mention, Taiwanese society exhibited fairly high levels of civic consciousness and public cooperation. Many even willingly donated their rationed face masks to other countries overwhelmed by the pandemic. Taiwanese society has long adopted the habit of wearing face masks in public, probably due to the prevalence of flu and air pollution. Looking back on the early days of the Covid-19 outbreak, the Europeans and the Americans discriminated against Asians wearing face masks. To wear a face mask or otherwise became a controversial issue. The World Health Organization (WHO) once reassured that wearing face masks is unnecessary for healthy individuals without Covid-19 symptoms. The WHO’s declaration sparked public debate and courted criticism from sceptics, when in reality, the worldwide supply of face masks was then likely insufficient to meet the demand of the global population of more than 7 billion. Nevertheless, public health experts stand by the opinion that frequent hand washing has proven more crucial in keeping viruses at bay than wearing a face mask. Besides Taiwan, South Korea is another Asian country worthy of emulation in its Covid-19 responses. When the country’s number of confirmed infections reached 5,000, the South Korean government openly disclosed the routine routes taken by Covid-19 patients in detail, allowing its citizens to check whether their contact history included those infected with Covid-19. Rapid “drive-thru” testing was also part of South Korea’s efforts in managing the Covid-19 crisis, effectively keeping infection rates under control. Are We Ready for the New Normal?