The World Of Tzu Chi December 2019 (Vol.117)

09 TZU CHI 117 Vegans Consume only plant-based foods and refrain from any animal products or by-products, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, honey and beeswax. Strict vegans even avoid using leather and products that have been tested on animals. Lacto-ovo vegetarians Consume plant-based foods, dairy products and eggs, but refrain from meat, poultry and fish. Ovo-vegetarians Consume plant-based foods and egg products, but refrain from meat, poultry, fish and dairy products. Lacto-vegetarians Consume plant-based foods and dairy products, but refrain frommeat, poultry, fish and egg products. Raw vegans Consume only plant-based foods that are unprocessed or cooked below 48°C to retain nutrients. Buddhist vegetarians Consume plant-based foods, but refrain from onions, spring onions, garlic and other plants from the same family for religious reasons. Some Buddhist vegetarians do consume egg and/ or dairy products. Flexitarians Strive to limit meat intake asmuch as possible by adopting a plant-based diet with the occasional serving of meat. A flexitarian diet is often the choice of individuals who are keen on a plant- based diet, but are unable to practise an entirely vegetarian diet due to various circumstances. Pescatarians Consume plant-based foods, fish and seafood, but refrain from meat and poultry. Types of vegetarians Vegetarians come in all forms with varying dietary preferences or restrictions, but share in common their stance for the reduced consumption of meat and animal products or by-products.