The World Of Tzu Chi(Vol.113)
2019 • 08 18 eature Weathering the odds, hand in hand Lim Chong Chee succumbed to brain cancer in September 2015, leaving behind wife, Chuah Bee Leng, who had to learn to cope with life without her husband by her side. However, she was not alone in facing her grief, as Tzu Chi volunteers took Bee Leng and her children under their protective wing, just as they had stood by Chong Chee throughout his battle against cancer during his time with the Cancer Support Group. By Lim Li Tian Translated by Goh Hwe Yong Photograph by Leong Chian Yee I n March 2014, Lim Chong Chee and his wife, Chuah Bee Leng attended a talk on cancer by Dr Ho Gwo Fuang at the Puchong Jing-Si Books & Café outlet. It had been two months since Chong Chee had been diagnosed with cancer. After the talk, the couple decided to participate in the Cancer Support Group’s monthly activities to learn more about cancer; Chong Chee was even invited to share his insights during one of the sessions. By January 2015, Chong Chee seemed to be on his way to recovery after undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy. At a Support Group meeting, he made a New Year’s resolution to live past the next five years. It is rare for brain tumour patients to surpass the critical 5-yearmark,much lesswhen a malignant tumour is detected, as in Chong
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